
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How We Told Our Parents

As you know, we got kicked out of my fiance's grandmother's house, and we had to move in with my parents.  It was a very frantic phone call to my parents from his house because we needed to find a place to go fast.  There was a lot of reasons why, but we were pretty much in danger because of certain people, so we couldn't stay there any longer than we needed to.  Therefore, telling my parents was not the way I wanted it to be.  I was crying and begging them to give us a place to stay, and I just blurted out that I was eleven weeks pregnant.  My mom just asked if I was seeing a doctor and everything.  She was worried about my and the babies well-being.  Now, we're living with my parents, and they're really supportive.  My mom and I go yardsaling practically every weekend to find baby stuff for cheap prices.  She's really helped us out, and I am so glad that I told her.  They are happy to have a grandchild, they just aren't happy that we're so young.  In their words though, "There's nothing we can do about it now."  So they're just enjoying the miracle on the way. 

Now, just recently we told my fiance's dad.  We told him on Sunday, the day before Memorial Day.  I had left it up to my fiance to tell him because it was his dad, not mine.  Therefore, he procrastinated a little bit.  In the beginning, we were worried about miscarriage, and then we just figured we'd just tell him when we found out the gender. 

What we did was put a little onsie that said "Grandpa's Team", and it was a boys onsie.  We also put a profile picture in the gift bag too, with tissue paper on top.  The first thing he pulled out was the onsie, and he just said, "What the heck is this?"  I believe he thought it was some kind of joke, but then he pulled the picture out.  Ironically, all he could do was stare at me with that "look", and not my fiance.  He took it pretty well though.  He said he wasn't mad, but he was worried about us financially because babies were expensive.  He also told us that he'd help any way he could.  We told him we weren't asking for his help, we just wanted him to know. 

My fiance's dad took it pretty well, but now he acts like we didn't even tell him.  He just talks to us like nothing happened.  We don't know yet how this will turn out. 

My advice to anyone else that is waiting to tell your parents is to be mindful of how much you're showing.  I really popped around four months, but with a sweatshirt, or a baggy shirt, I didn't really show until when we told his dad which was at five and a half months pregnant.  Then they were kind of like, "I can't believe we didn't notice."  Everyone's different though.  I would recommend telling them as soon as possible because he wasn't too happy about finding out so late in the pregnancy.  It's scary, but it works out in the end.  I was seriously surprised to find everyone so supportive, and your family may surprise you too.


  1. Replies
    1. No, this was not a planned pregnancy. We are still very excited about our little miracle though.

    2. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment.
