
Thursday, July 19, 2012

How we plan on taking care of our baby.

As I’m telling you this, I’d like you to keep in mind that this is what we’re doing.  What we do isn’t necessarily what you should do.  Our life circumstances are different, and our views may be different also.  Either way, I hope you can learn from this. 

First things first: where will we be living when Jason is born? 

Well, right now we have our application in at housing.  If you don’t know, housing is for people with lower incomes.  You are put on a waiting list until an apartment becomes available.  We could be waiting for six months before we get in.  For us this works out though.  We will not have the truck paid off for about two or three more months.  Therefore, we will not be able to afford an apartment until it is paid off.  This gives us time to save up our money. 

As we are waiting for a place to become available, we will be staying with my parents.  My mom has offered a room in the house for the nursery, and as long as we continue to pay rent, we are welcome here.  For the first few months, Jason will be in our room sleeping in a bassinet.  Then, once he has outgrown the bassinet, we will move him to the nursery in a crib. 

Who will be taking care of him?

Jason is due in the beginning of October.  I only say this because around Thanksgiving Mason will be laid off for the winter.  He will still have plowing to do if it snows, but during winter he will be collecting unemployment. 

In the first and possibly second month, I will be taking care of Jason during the day, but Mason will help in the afternoons.  I will also be taking care of him at night because Mason will have to get up early for work.  On the weekends he will help at night unless he has to work Saturday.  In the fall they have to work Saturday’s because they get busy again.  Therefore, he will probably only help me Saturday nights. 

To give you an idea, Mason leaves for work at 7:20am, and gets home any time after 3pm.  Some days he will work as late as 7pm.  During the fall months he will have very long hours and probably won’t get off until between 5 and 7pm. 

Once Mason is laid off for the winter, we will both be taking care of him during the day and at night.  On a side note: Mason will be looking for a job that will give him his CDL so he can start his trucking career.  We already have a few places in mind, but we have to wait until then to start applying due to unemployment and everything.


We will not really be in need of babysitters because I will be staying home with Jason.  But on the off chance that we do need one, we would go to our family friends or Mason’s dad first.  The reason we will not go to my parents first is because of their drinking habit.  Neither of us are comfortable with Jason being around alcohol, and we don’t want to risk it. 

Of course, we are going to give them a chance to prove that they can handle it, but once they ruin it it’s gone.  We want Jason to be able to spend time with his grandparents, but this is a touchy matter for us.  They have done a lot for us, but we don’t trust them.  That is a story all in its own, but that’s where we stand with my parents babysitting.

As for daycare or anything along those lines, we won’t be enrolling him in that.  For one, we don’t need to, and for two, it is expensive.  Lastly, I have problems trusting people I don’t know with my baby.  You may not agree, but this is just how we plan on raising him.  Again, what works for us may not work for you.

I believe that’s it.  If you have any other questions that I forgot, feel free to ask.  I will answer all of them in a separate post so that I can go into detail.  Thanks for reading, and have a great day!

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