
Monday, July 16, 2012

Life Update

The past two weeks have been extremely hectic, but there were great moments at the same time. 

First, as you know, Mason got ran over by the truck two weeks ago.  He is fine, and isn’t sore from it anymore.  All of his cuts are almost completely healed, and his bruises are gone. 

What you don’t know though is that on Thursday, Mason would say, “I got in a fight with a hedge trimmer.”  Mason was working on Thursday, and it was only 8:30 in the morning.  On that day he started at 7am.  He had picked up a hedge trimmer, and “got in a fight with it.”  As you’ve probably guessed, the hedge trimmer won. 

At first he thought that he only nicked himself with it, but I received a phone call at 8:45.  He told me that he cut his knee and had to go to the emergency room for stitches.  I was upset, but not too upset because he is prone to injuries.  He always ends up getting hurt somehow.  I learned later that he realized how bad it was when blood started seeping through his jeans. 

He told me that it hadn’t actually really hurt.  Mason even said that at the hospital he asked all the nurses and his doctor why it hurt less than what a paper cut does.  The nurses couldn’t give him an answer, but the doctor said that it was because some places have more nerves than others. 

According to Mason, the 6 numbing shots were a lot worse than what the three stitches were.  Luckily that was all he needed, and his tendon hadn’t been involved.  What the doctor didn’t realize was that Mason must have hit the bone a little bit. 

We figured this out because after the numbing medicine wore off, he was in a lot of pain.  By that night he could barely put weight on it, and he was in tears from the pain.  Keep in mind, Mason has ulcerative colitis and is really good with pain.  He RARELY reaches this point, but he did and I knew we needed to do something about it. 

So that night we went to the emergency room in town.  It wasn’t the same ER that he had went to for the stitches, but he wasn’t able to drive that far to that hospital. 

We spent almost four hours in the waiting room.  Once we got back to the room the nurse said that it sounded like bone pain.  Mason said yeah because he knew what incision pain felt like.  He’s had three surgeries, and seven stitches in that same knee.  The nurse says okay and that she’ll send the doctor in. 

We sat there for an hour waiting for the doctor.  I was exhausted seeing as it was running on 11pm.  Therefore, I was not in the best mood.  I was hungry because we had been there so long, and I had forgotten a snack and I just wanted to go home. 

Well, the doctor arrived and looked at his knee for about a minute.  Then he said that Mason shouldn’t be in that kind of pain.  Basically saying that he was lying.  After that, he repeated the instructions of the first doctor that put in the stitches and said to take Tylenol.  Mason told him that Tylenol wasn’t working, but he didn’t say anything.  The doctor was in there a total of five minutes, and then we were discharged. 

It is an understatement to say we were upset.  They did not do anything for him besides repeat what we already knew.  They didn’t recommend crutches or anything along those lines. 

So we left with Mason still in a lot of pain.  The next day I got my older brother’s old crutches out, and Mason used them.  This helped a lot and by Sunday he was able to walk on it again.  If only the doctor would have recommended crutches! 

Anyways, Mason’s back to work today, and his stitches are healing really well.  He’s able to bend his knee more, and he isn’t in nearly as much pain as he was.  We are very thankful that he is healing so fast.  He will be getting his stitches out on Thursday. 

On a higher note, yesterday Mason and I went to a restaurant.  You may be surprised to hear that Mason and I have never done anything like this.  Sure, we’ve been to fast food restaurants, but we never went to a restaurant where you get waited on.  We’d done this with our families, but never with each other. 

It turned out that the food was amazing, and the service was equally as good.  The buns that we received were hot and really soft; not including delicious!  We didn’t even finish our appetizers before we had our meals, and believe me, they were meals.  Neither of us could finish what was on our plates. 

This was so much fun, and we’ve decided that we’re going to do it more often.  We’re thinking that we want to do it once more before Jason gets here, and then do it every couple months after that.  Needless to say, I was a very happy pregnant lady after our dinner. 

Other than that, Mason and I are doing amazing.  Our relationship has only been getting better and stronger.  We are extremely happy together, and we can’t wait for Jason to get here.  He is always on our minds.  I can’t wait to be a family because I know it will be perfect.  I’m not in the fairy tale where I don’t think it will be hard.  I know it will be hard, and I know we will have our moments.  But this is normal, and I expect it and even welcome it.  Life can’t be easy.  If life were easy, how would we get stronger? 

Well, that’s our life update.  Thanks for reading, and have an amazing day!  Don’t forget to leave a comment!

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