
Friday, August 24, 2012

33/34 Week Pregnancy Update

Welcome to thirty-four weeks pregnant.  It’s been an amazing journey so far, and we’re getting so much closer to the end of the line.  Only six more weeks! 

Am I excited to be done?  Well, in some ways I guess I could say I am.  What with all the achiness and not being able to do everything I want to.  Also, I can’t wait to see our little boy, and be able to hold him in our arms; that I’m very excited for.

But I also enjoy being pregnant.  I love watching my belly grow, and feeling him kick.  Watching him deform my belly is now daily entertainment, and Mason feeling him kick while we cuddle is just another added bonus. 

Anyways, these past two weeks have been pretty amazing.  I had one of my baby showers, and we got a lot of adorable baby clothes.  I feel especially lucky because we got some cute homemade things.  I’ll be sure to post pictures of these things.  The first is a handmade quilt.  It is completely handmade without a sewing machine, and the stitches are perfect.  You would not be able to tell that she didn’t use a sewing machine.  Next, we got a cute handmade outfit.  She made little booties, a sweater, and a perfect hat.  I did not expect anything handmade, so this was a great surprise. 

After that, Mason and I got started moving the bedroom around so we can fit the baby stuff in here.  It turns out that it didn’t exactly come out right though, so this weekend we will be finishing it.  Besides that, we got the crib up!  The sheet is on and everything is ready.  I am so thankful to Mason for putting it together.  It was pretty entertaining trying to figure it out.  You see, it was the crib my mom used for my little sister and I.  Therefore, there were no directions.  We ended up asking my mom for some help, but for the most part we figured it out on our own. 

Well, that’s it for the random parts of these two weeks; now for my symptoms.  

Everything has pretty much been the same besides feeling achier in the ribs and in my back.  I’ve still been really out of breath.  I haven’t found a way to help with this.  No matter which way I lay, I still feel out of breath.  I’m not out of breath all the time though, just when he’s especially high. 

I’ve also been having some heartburn.  It hasn’t been that bad though.  Going along with this, I sometimes feel like my food is still stuck in my chest.  It doesn’t seem to want to settle.  I think I’ve been having a little bit of an increase in my appetite too.  I still can’t eat too much at once because of not having a lot of room, but I’ve been having more cravings.  One of which is chocolate milk, so this pay we will be getting chocolate syrup. 

My morning sickness has been so much better.  I haven’t gotten sick in over three weeks.  I still get nauseated, but not nearly as bad as it used to be.  This is a great change for me.  I didn’t like being sick all the time, but I had gotten pretty used to it.  I would never complain about morning sickness because it’s a part of pregnancy.  I’ve had the best pregnancy, and being sick hasn’t ruined it at all. 

Getting around has been another big symptom now.  It’s hard for me to bend down and pick up things.  I have to be reclined when I sit instead of sitting straight up.  Sitting straight up makes my ribs ache quite a bit.  My balance is pretty horrible right now.  I have to hold onto the rail going up the steps just to be safe.  I also still get leg cramps in my right leg most of the time while I’m walking.  This causes me to have to walk really slowly because it is very uncomfortable, but it goes away quickly. 

Finally, I still do not have any energy.  I get tired after cleaning houses, and I go to bed early almost every night.  I haven’t had any trouble sleeping though which is good.  The only problem I have is getting out of bed in the morning.  It takes effort now to lift myself up out of bed. 

Anyways, that’s it for my symptoms.  Let me know what your symptoms are in a comment down below. 

Last but not least is my doctor’s appointment.  As you know I had a doctor’s appointment on Monday.  This one was a little bit more eventful than the last one. 

First of all, Mason got to go this time because he got rained out.  We were both really happy about this. 

So Jason is perfectly healthy, and his heartbeat was normal.  I gained four pounds this time, making my total weight gain twenty pounds.  I wasn’t very surprised about this weight gain because I had been feeling really huge.  All of the weight that I gain goes to my belly (isn’t that a sign that you’re having a boy?).  I haven’t gained weight anywhere else, which I’m happy about, but I’m not too happy yet.  I’m thinking that I’m going to end up gaining everywhere when I’m just about to have him.  I’ve heard that happens to some people. 

As for the exciting part of the doctor’s appointment: my doctor was measuring my belly like usual, and I asked her how much she thought he weighed.  My mom had asked me to ask her because she was curious, and Mason and I were too.  She then told me that he was measuring big, and that she wants to order an ultrasound to check his growth.  She also said that her guess would be six pounds, but that she’s not very good at guessing weights, and that we’ll know for sure at the ultrasound. 

I personally think he’ll be between 4 ½ and 5 pounds.  My mom thinks 5 ½, and Mason thinks 4 ½.  We’ve kind of made a guessing game out of this on what his weight will be.  So take a guess in the comments below, and I’ll let you know on Monday what he weighed. 

Anyways it turns out that next time I went it would have been the last time I waited two weeks for my appointment.  After my appointment at 36 weeks I would have started going every week.  Instead I’ll be having my regular appointment after my ultrasound which means I’ll be going to every week appointments early.  This happened when I went to two week appointments.  I was just about to switch to two week appointments, and then she wanted to have my gestational diabetes check early.  Mason and I both find it weird that that’s how it worked out. 

Now we’re expecting a bigger baby, but my OB said that the ultrasound might show that he’s right on track.  Mason thinks Jason might have been sticking out his butt when she measured me, but we’ll find out on Monday. 

Also, Mason will get to go to this ultrasound, which is amazing.  We’re both extremely excited to be able to see him again before he’s born.  My mom will also be going to the ultrasound.  It’s supposed to be about a half hour long, and we have a great technician that always gives us a good look.  It’s funny because I was thinking that I wanted Mason to get to go to another appointment before Jason got here because he hasn’t heard his heartbeat in a long time.  Now he’ll get to go to another one, and get to see Jason again. 

So I think that’s about it.  I’ll be posting my belly picture and a few other pictures today.  I’m going to give you an update on Monday or Tuesday on how my appointment went.  Now every week I’ll give you an update on my appointments if only just to let you know that he’s healthy.  They may be short, but I’ll add in any random things that I can.  I’m still deciding whether I’ll go to weekly pregnancy updates or not, so we’ll see.  Just keep a look out.   Thanks for reading, and have a great day.  As for those that are pregnant and reading this, I hope everything is going great, and that your baby is healthy. 

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