
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Beautiful Day

Have I forgot to mention that we have two rabbits?  Yes we do!  A large callico and a black dwarf bunny.  We were debating on breeding them in the future, but now we think we will breed dogs instead.

Anyways, that's not the point.  Today has been beautiful: not too hot, not too cold.  So what did we do?  Spent time outside of course.  And what was Mason's choice for the day?  He wanted to work on the muffler on his truck (men!). 

So we pulled the rabbits out of their cage (much to their dismay), and stuck them in their outside "playpen".  Abby (the callico) being the spoiled one from daddy got to sit in the truck to keep cool while Bridget (black dwarf) laid in the shade with mommy.  They had a great time relaxing while Mason had his much needed truck time. 

After about two hours, Mason finally fixed what actually turned out to be broken (surprisingly), and now we have a quiet truck.  This is great for when the baby comes.  Everyone loves sleeping babies and a quiet truck equals a sleeping baby, most of the time. 

But did we have enough sun yet?  Definitely not!  First we had to test out the truck on the road.  Then we decided to go biking on a local trail.  Keep in mind, I haven't been on a bike since the beginning of my pregnancy when I wasn't showing at all.  Now I got a baby bump in the way. 

It turned out to be especially fun though, and great quality time with my amazing fiance.  Plus, it was great exercise to keep my weight under control.  With all these cravings, I may need it. 

Turns out that it was so fun that we're thinking of making it a regular thing.  This will be great because I love exploring nature. 

So if it's beautiful out where you are, get outside and enjoy it!  You only have so many beautiful days in your lifetime, and every one is different than the first. 

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